Did you know? Begging seem to be a nice way of earning some extra money from your blog or websites. You hear it right,begging make cash.And do you know begging is a full-time job for some people? Begging is one of the oldest ways of earning money ,i mean look at those street Beggar.
While we are not asking you to be like street Beggar,we are showing you smart way to make some money begging nicely online.These info and tips was so good,some people do actually gain their profit from it...My warning is you just Don't over use it.
- Buy me a Beer :Remember John Chow? if not mistaken He was the one who ask for "buy me a beer" that actually earned him few hundred dollar...If you blog providing very useful info, asking for donations in the form of a beer, coffee or other special item allows readers to reward you with something tangible. Of course the money comes in the form of donation. And you can buy anything instead of real beer..;-
- Create a Great Software or Useful Web tools :You can ask a donation to support the overall efforts of your creation,it can be a great software,blog adds on,blog platform plug in,blog template,or even a java scripts.....For example Add-ons and extensions and themes for Mozilla Products, including Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey.The developer of add-on often asks if we can help or support for continued development by making a small contribution.Imagine some of the adds on has downloads for million times. No kidding...even just 0.1% making donation/ contribution,It can make money.If you have no idea how many figures of downloads check out :https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/statistics/addon/2108
- PayPal: You can place PayPal's donation on your website.
- Checks: You can ask your local users send you check donations. Make sure to use a PO box address for privacy.
- Amazon Honor System: Like PayPal, the Amazon Honor System allows you to accept online donations.
- Amazon Wish List: Item in the Amazon Wish List is not cash, you can ask your readers buy you items from your Amazon Wish List which will save you from having to buy them yourself
Finally to add, this would work if you have some decent amount of quality contents and regular users.It really doesn't necessary to fell ashamed begging online.In fact you will be proud since people who giving a helping hand to you are the people who think you are really good person and anything you get you deserve it....
By:Different ways to earn money online
is that easy
I am a father of 3 children, aged 19, 17 and 12 years from Nairobi Kenya. I borrowed from the bank 2 years ago to put up a house for my family but unfortunately my income level drastically dropped due to unforeseen circumstances making it very difficult for meto maintain monthly loan payments as a result, I have defaulted and I am being charged very high interest. The situation has forced me to borrow more from people and other institutions just put food on the table and this has landed me into huge debts and i am now being threatened by creditors day and night. I desperately need money to payoff loans/debts and hopefully start a business so that I can be back on my feet and eventually take care of my family again. I need about $50,000 to clear all my debts and have something left to start a retail business to supplement my current dismal income. Please donate to my Paypal account CODE NO.N8DUQXF8ZNZTV. Thank you very much in advance for your care and donations.
SAVE MY SON.. . It is very embarrassing for me to begging money from others,but it is very essential to me.I am from India 50year old, having one 14 year son, I am an cab driver, in an accident i lost my job and license also, my son suffering with brain tumor and kidney decease, doctors said me shift him to super specialty hospital for a major surgery immediately
surgery costs $40,000, than I sold my small house,I got $7,000 only. I asked many peoples to help. but there is no response, one of my well wisher advise to me that go with this site this is last hope to you.I begging all doners please save my son.Please donate to my Paypal account No QLRATW8Y22DZU
Thank you
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